I really like this one.
This one is titled „30 Years Since the Fall of the Berlin Fall“ and I totally don’t get it but am intrigued by it. My guess at this point is that it is the three Slavic colors of Red, Blue, and White, but without the White peace/truth, leaving us with faith/fidelity/constancy/Virgin Mary/Tsar clouding energy/blood/courage/peasants. If you have any ideas please e-mail me.
One of a number of posters titled „Populism“.
Another „Populism“ I really liked.
This is one of a series entitled „Goyinka Resistance“. I was quite taken with it, not out of any particular resonance with the Goyinka Movement, but because of identification with a resistance. Resistance in Bulgaria, or Serbia, or Croatia, or Lithuania, or Belarus means something quite different from paying $40 to hear David Talbot in San Francisco or buying a book by Hillary Clinton. When I was a teenager Ω meant a movement of young men refusing to register for a military draft. It meant refusing to pay taxes for war. It meant burning draft files, sabotaging bombs bound for Vietnam. Secreting yourself in the woods to take shots at Soviet soldiers has a virile modern rationality to me, thinking about a „blue wave“ or Rachel Maddow seems the act of an impotent postmodern psychosis.